James Lee's Journey To The East πŸ‰

A Blast to the Past πŸ“…

The Journey Thus Far πŸ—ΊοΈ

Two weeks. It's been two weeks since I started learning Mandarin Chinese. It's been pretty fruitful to say the least! Before I get into what I've been doing, let's rewind the clock to see what it was like for me to learn Chinese many, many moons ago.

Flashback πŸ•°οΈ

You there, come with me.

Not wanting to disagree with this strange voice, you follow their command into the foggy abyss.

As the fog of time fades, you see a teenage James Lee hunched over his computer. You begin to approach and watch him from a distance.

"Ah yes, this plan might work."

"Clearly if I do 20 Anki cards per day, I will be able to memorize 600 words per month. Which means I'll be able to memorize 6000 words in 10 months! That should mean I'll be fluent in no less than a year. Why, I am clearly a genius of the highest order!"


You hear the sound of a facepalm.

Well look at how that turned out, "genius".

Time begins to accelerate. It feels like a week has passed. You see a distressed James Lee, blank-eyed staring at his screen.

"Oh god."

"What on Earth have I done! I can't take it anymore!"

Curious, you peer into his computer. You see the number "20" in bold red, followed by the number "76" in green.

Deck New Learn Due
6000 Word Frequency List 20 76 5

"Oh whatever, let's just forget about this. It's too difficult anyways."

The teenager lies down on his bed, takes out his phone and proceeds to watch a soul-sucking, addicting Youtube video. You witness in horror as he is kept in stupor as the pretty animations and stock images fly off his screen.

He stops scrolling. This video catches his eye.

The title reads...

"How I Got Fluent in Chinese in 60 Days!"

You hear another facepalm in the distance.

"Man, I'm just not cut out for this. Look at this guy! He became fluent in just 60 days!"

"There's no way I can do this. I'll just give up on this and do something else."

Time begins to accelerate yet again...
